Making a donation or an endowment contribution
Why donate?

It is an act of humanity to help people in other regions of the world to live in freedom and dignity. Your donation provides young people with qualified education opportunities and so offers them the key of a self-determined life.


If you decide to donate, comfutura-foundation will use the amount fast, with no bureaucracy and directly for a charitable project. In the last years we could carry out projects with considerable donations from our supporters; of course, we also involved them in the development of these projects.

Donations to our foundation are tax deductible. Comfutura-foundation is, by certificate of exemption issued by the Tax Office Saarbruecken on 04 June 2023 in accordance with § 5 Section 1 Item 9 KStG, exonerated from corporate tax and in accordance with § 3 Item 6 GewStG from trade tax since it serves solely and directly tax privileged charitable purposes pursuant to the Fiscal Code (AO), Articles 51 et. seq. (document number 040/140/26660).

We will send you immediately upon receipt of your money transfer a donation receipt and therefore kindly ask you to indicate legible your name and address on the remittance slip.

Endowment contributions

If you wish to commit yourself sustainably to our goals and work, you may also decide to donate to the endowment fund of the foundation. This means that you help our foundation by increasing the permanent financial basis for its charitable work.

If you are interested, we will gladly inform you and recommend you experts if needed that can correspondingly advice you.

We are happy if you contact us to exchange ideas on this subject in detail.

Our bank account

Sparkasse Saarbruecken Account number 708 230 BLZ 59050101 IBAN: DE64 5905 0101 0000 7082 30 SWIFT-BIC: SAKSDE55XXX Thank you for your support.